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Terms & conditions

Chamber of commerce: 62379054.
VATnumber: NL854794797B01

Article 1 | In general

By ordering at one agrees on the general delivery terms.

Article 2 | Order

2.1 By pressing place order one agrees with the terms of conditions of de delivery progress. Trendrecipe will process the order.

2.2 An email will be send to confirm your order. If you did not receive an email, your order is still valid.

2.3 The product at the pictures will be an indication of the real product.

2.4 Prices are in euro’s 21% V.A.T.  included. Trendrecipe has the right to adjust the prices. Adjustment of the prices are not valid for previous placed orders.

2.5 Trendrecipe can refuse an order when there is doubt if the other party can fulfill the obligation. If this is the case, Trendrecipe will notify the other party within 14 days.

Article 3 | Offers

3.1 All offers are without obligation. If Trendrecipe makes a mistake like putting on a wrong price, we have the right to change and charge the right one.

3.2 All prices are in euro’s and including 21% VAT.

3.3 Vouchers can be withdrawn any time by Trendrecipe.

Article 4 | Shipment costs

4.1 Free delivery in the Netherlands. Other countries will be charged.

Article 5 | Delivery

5.1 We will deliver your order within 24 hours after receipt of the payment. The order will be delivered latest 5 days after ordering. When an article is not on stock the delivery will be partly executed, one will be noticed latest 48 hours after ordering. Cancelation will be an option.

5.2 One is obliged to purchase the goods which are ordered.

5.3 If one has given a wrong delivery address, the costs are at your own expenses.

Article 6 | Pick up

6.1 One can also pick up the order rather than have it send. This option will be given in the order process.

6.2 After you have placed the order and a confirmation e-mail has been send, your order will be at:

Trendrecipe Grand Boutique
Koningstraat 22
2011 TD Haarlem

Artikel 7 | Shipment & Transport

7.1 Trendrecipe will carry the risk during the transport in case of damage, theft or loss of the product. The risk will be yours upon delivery.

7.2 We ship via PostNL.

7.3 When your not at home, PostNL will leave a notification. Log in at and choose your date and time for delivery.

Article 8 | Payment options

8.1 One can pay by IDEAL, credit card, Sofort Banking, Mr Cash.

8.2 Payments with Mastercard, Visa or IDEAL go via Mollie; one of the safest and reliable payment platform.

8.3 If one chooses for PayPal, payment will take place via a safe link by PayPal.

8.4 Trendrecipe will remain owner of the goods until the moment of payment.

Article 9 | Trial Period

9.1 Trendrecipe strives for happy customers. When you’re not happy with your purchase, one can return the items within 14 days.

9.2 When one will return, the costs are at your own account.

9.3 Return is only valid when the items are undamaged, not worn or washed and with the original brand tags. Trendrecipe can refuse the return if one of the above mentioned is not complied with.

9.5 If one wants to exchange the article, do so within 14 days after receipt. Use the contact form at the website or send an email at As soon as we have received your return we will send you the new ordered one.

9.6 If one wants to return the article and get your money back, please do so within 14 days after receipt. Give us the details like order number, item and we will pay the article back after receipt.

9.8 Returns can be shipped to our store:
Trendrecipe Grand Boutique
Koningstraat 22
2011 TD Haarlem

Before shipping, please send a message via the contact form at the site, or contact the boutique via e-mail or phone. Once we have received the article we will pay you back.

Article 10 | Liability

10.1 The liability of Trendrecipe for direct or indirect damage caused by a bought article is equal to the selling price.

Article 11 | Force of majority

If cannot deliver both parties have the right to dissolve by a written statement without any right to compensation.

Article 12 | Guarantee garantuees that articles meet up to a normal usable standard.

12.2 One needs to check the delivered items for quality and quantity upon arrival.

12.3 After the term of guarantee mentioned in article 9.1 can charge all costst for replacement, repair etc. Included administration and shipment costs.

12.4 Guarantee will expire when the items has been used (for other purposes) or deliberately have been damaged.

Artikel 13 | Dispute

13.1 At al legal actions; Dutch right is applicable at

13.2 Trendrecipe will always try to find a suitable solution. If that is not the case the solution has to be found by a competent judge in the Amsterdam arrondissement.

Artikel 14 | Copyright pictures

14.1 At all pictures shown at the website copyright will be applicable by the brands we work with. Permisson to spread has to be asked at the brands.

14.2 If one uses the pictures without permission of the brands, one can be summed to stop and might risk a claim for damages.